Finnoo and Kaitaa metro stations
Location: Espoo, Finland
Functions: Metro station
Scope: Architecture, Interior
Status: Completed 2022 (tendering competition 2012)
Client: Länsimetro Oy
The second phase of the extension of the West Metro line connecting Helsinki and Espoo involved the construction of five new stations, of which PES-Architects designed the Kaitaa and Finnoo stations.
In both areas, the new metro line link kicks off major urban development in the vicinity. The metro stations are not just transport hubs, but also recognisable landmarks in the rapidly developing and expanding new neighbourhoods. Each station has a distinctive identity encompassing the architecture and design details of both the station platforms and entrance buildings.
Original artwork was also commissioned for the stations to complement the architectural theme and highlight their local identity.
The design of the Finnoo station was inspired by the nature of the nearby seashore with its unique bird wetland, as well as the adjacent Siberian flying squirrel habitat.
The metal sheet cladding and glass surfaces of the facades of both entrance pavilions are printed with graphic patterns resembling the reeds and grasses of the wetland. Inside, the grass theme is strengthened by the greenish tint of the glazed concrete surfaces.
The underground platform has a distinctive, asymmetrical appearance. The undulating, green-blue metal cladding on the southern platform wall symbolises the sea, shore and wetlands. On the opposite wall, Leena Nio's work “Haavekuvia” (Dream images) features a marine theme, depicting details of the seaside cut into an aluminium sheet in a lace-like pattern.
In the Kaitaa station, the architectural theme is based on the green courtyards of the urbanising neighbourhood. The expanded mesh cladding evokes the foliage of trees, while the fair-faced concrete surfaces in the interior represent sturdy tree trunks.
The platform level is dominated by by Antti Tanttu's artwork “Juurtuminen” (Rooting), which extends the length of the platform walls as a graphically stylised network of roots. The theme refers to gradually settling down and taking root in a new neighbourhood.
All the station and shaft buildings feature green roofs that protect the roof from UV radiation and reduce temperature fluctuation and mechanical stress. They also aid in stormwater management and serve as a carbon sink, while providing a living environment for insects and birds.
The park and ride facilities of the stations feature extensive bicycle parking shelters.
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